AAON (AAON) - Stock Price & Dividends

Exchange: USA Stocks • Country: United States • Currency: USD • Type: Common Stock • ISIN: US0003602069

AAON, Inc., and its subsidiaries focus on designing, making, and distributing air conditioning and heating systems in the US and Canada. This company is split into three segments: AAON Oklahoma, AAON Coil Products, and BASX. They provide various products like rooftop units, cleanroom systems, chillers, and more.

Their customer base includes retail, manufacturing, education, lodging, data centers, and medical sectors. To reach these clients, they utilize independent manufacturer representative organizations and have an in-house sales team. They also market their systems online to increase accessibility.

Established in 1987 and headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, AAON, Inc. continues to innovate in the HVAC industry. For more information, you can visit their website at https://www.aaon.com.

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for AAON (AAON) - Stock Price & Dividends

Overall Trend and Yearly Seasonality

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for AAON (AAON) - Stock Price & Dividends

AAON Stock Overview

Market Cap in USD 7,362m
Sector Industrials
Industry Building Products & Equipment
GiC SubIndustry Building Products
TER 0.00%
IPO / Inception 1992-12-16

AAON Stock Ratings

Growth 5y 8.14
Fundamental 70.9
Dividend 3.69
Rel. Performance vs Sector 2.35
Analysts 4.00/5
Fair Price Momentum 99.78 USD
Fair Price DCF 16.83 USD

AAON Dividends

Yield 12m 0.34%
Yield on Cost 5y 1.00%
Dividends CAGR 5y -5.60%
Payout Consistency 97.6%

AAON Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 45.95%
Growth Correlation 12m 50%
Growth Correlation 3m 65%
CAGR 5y 24.21%
Sharpe Ratio 12m 1.23
Alpha vs SP500 12m 24.68
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 0.84
ValueRay RSI 90.90
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 30.37%
Price / SMA 50 9.84%
Price / SMA 200 34.5%
Current Volume 594.4k
Average Volume 20d 512.7k

External Links for AAON Stock

Wall Street JournalBenzingaYahoo Finance
X (Twitter)Stocktwits
Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of AAON stocks?
As of May 02, 2024, the stock is trading at USD 94.47 with a total of 594,372 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by +5.35%, over one month by +7.38%, over three months by +30.86% and over the past year by +45.45%.
What is the forecast for AAON stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, AAON AAON will be worth about 110.9 in May 2025. The stock is currently trading at 94.47. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +17.34%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price 95.7 1.27
Analysts Target Price 74.4 -21.2
ValueRay Target Price 110.9 17.3

AAON Inc: Innovating HVAC Solutions

History and Evolution

AAON Inc., a staple in the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) industry, began its journey with a vision to redefine comfort and efficiency. Since its foundation, AAON has been committed to providing high-quality, performance-driven HVAC systems that cater to a diverse range of needs, demonstrating a solid track record of innovation and customer service.

Core Business

The core of AAON's business lies in designing, manufacturing, and selling air conditioning and heating equipment. Specializing in semi-custom units, AAON takes pride in offering products that fit specific requirements, ensuring that each solution is not just effective but also energy-efficient and reliable. Its focus on cutting-edge technology and customization sets AAON apart in the competitive HVAC market.

Side Business and Diversification

Beyond its primary HVAC operations, AAON has ventured into related sectors to strengthen its market presence. This includes investments in research and development for better environmental controls, energy management systems, and the exploration of sustainable and green technologies. Through these endeavors, AAON aims to enhance its product offerings and address the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions.

Current Market Status

As of the latest reports, AAON Inc. stands strong in the competitive landscape of HVAC providers. The company's commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction continues to drive its growth. AAON's stock, listed on NASDAQ under the symbol AAON, reflects its stable financial health and the positive outlook investors have towards the company's future. With ongoing advancements in HVAC technology and a clear focus on sustainability, AAON is well-positioned to meet the challenges of the future and continue its growth trajectory.