EFG International AG (EFGN) - Stock & Dividends

Exchange: SIX Swiss Exchange • Country: Switzerland • Currency: CHF • Type: Common Stock • ISIN: CH0022268228

EFG International AG and its subsidiaries specialize in private banking, wealth management, and asset management services. They offer various investment solutions, including discretionary mandates, structured products, trading services, and Islamic solutions. Moreover, they provide wealth planning and trust services, credit and financing services such as Islamic, property, and investment financing, as well as eBanking services including mobile banking and security services.

In addition to this, the company offers a range of banking services like custody, foreign exchange and treasury, and trading services, as well as accounts, cards, and metals. They also assist independent asset managers in establishing private label funds. EFG International AG has a global presence in Europe, Asia Pacific, the Americas, and the Middle East. The company was established in 1995 and has its headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.

For more information, you can visit their website at https://www.efginternational.com.

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for EFG International AG (EFGN) - Stock & Dividends

EFGN Stock Overview

Market Cap in USD 3,709m
Sector Financial Services
Industry Banks - Diversified
GiC SubIndustry Diversified Banks
TER 0.00%
IPO / Inception

EFGN Stock Ratings

Growth 5y 6.84
Fundamental -40.1
Dividend 9.01
Rel. Performance vs Sector 0.48
Analysts -
Fair Price Momentum 10.60 CHF
Fair Price DCF -

EFGN Dividends

Yield 12m 5.15%
Yield on Cost 5y 9.21%
Dividends CAGR 5y 8.45%
Payout Consistency 93.6%

EFGN Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 33.18%
Growth Correlation 12m 70%
Growth Correlation 3m -12%
CAGR 5y 12.27%
Sharpe Ratio 12m 1.20
Alpha vs SP500 12m 15.47
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 0.67
ValueRay RSI 10.56
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 28.59%
Price / SMA 50 -5.65%
Price / SMA 200 3.29%
Current Volume 217.8k
Average Volume 20d 306.2k

External Links for EFGN Stock

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Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of EFGN stocks?
As of May 02, 2024, the stock is trading at CHF 10.68 with a total of 217,775 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by -0.93%, over one month by -4.47%, over three months by +0.42% and over the past year by +31.30%.
What is the forecast for EFGN stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, EFGN EFG International AG will be worth about 12 in May 2025. The stock is currently trading at 10.68. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +11.89%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price 12 12.5
Analysts Target Price - -
ValueRay Target Price 12 11.9