BP PLC ADR (BP) - Stock Price & Dividends

Exchange: USA Stocks • Country: United Kingdom • Currency: USD • Type: Common Stock • ISIN: US0556221044

BP p.l.c., traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BP, offers various carbon products and services. The company operates across three key segments - Gas & Low Carbon Energy, Oil Production & Operations, and Customers & Products.

BP is involved in a wide range of activities, including natural gas production, integrated gas and power solutions, trading of gas, wind power operations (onshore and offshore), as well as developing hydrogen and carbon capture and storage facilities. Additionally, BP trades and markets renewable and non-renewable power, and produces crude oil.

Moreover, BP is active in other sectors such as convenience and retail fuel, electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, Castrol lubricants, aviation services, B2B ventures, midstream operations, refining, and oil trading. The company also has a bioenergy division.

BP is committed to innovation and sustainability, engaging in initiatives like power and storage projects, digital transformation, carbon management efforts, and producing bio and low carbon products. The company is also involved in energy and environmental commodities trading and various mobility-related businesses.

Founded in 1908, BP is based in London, United Kingdom. For more information, visit their website: https://www.bp.com

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for BP PLC ADR (BP) - Stock Price & Dividends

Overall Trend and Yearly Seasonality

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for BP PLC ADR (BP) - Stock Price & Dividends

BP Stock Overview

Market Cap in USD 110,244m
Sector Energy
Industry Oil & Gas Integrated
GiC SubIndustry Integrated Oil & Gas
TER 0.00%
IPO / Inception 1977-01-03

BP Stock Ratings

Growth 5y 2.87
Fundamental 57.5
Dividend 4.42
Rel. Performance vs Sector -2.04
Analysts 3.94/5
Fair Price Momentum 35.85 USD
Fair Price DCF 177.18 USD

BP Dividends

Yield 12m 4.40%
Yield on Cost 5y 5.20%
Dividends CAGR 5y -7.50%
Payout Consistency 93.6%

BP Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 10.53%
Growth Correlation 12m 34%
Growth Correlation 3m 75%
CAGR 5y 3.42%
Sharpe Ratio 12m 0.27
Alpha vs SP500 12m -14.89
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 1.08
ValueRay RSI 52.89
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 18.64%
Price / SMA 50 3.06%
Price / SMA 200 6.86%
Current Volume 12085k
Average Volume 20d 12433.5k

External Links for BP Stock

Wall Street JournalBenzingaYahoo Finance
X (Twitter)Stocktwits
Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of BP stocks?
As of May 01, 2024, the stock is trading at USD 38.77 with a total of 12,084,952 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by -1.32%, over one month by +2.19%, over three months by +11.82% and over the past year by +1.61%.
What is the forecast for BP stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, BP BP PLC ADR will be worth about 39.2 in May 2025. The stock is currently trading at 38.77. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +1.21%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price 43.2 11.4
Analysts Target Price 45.1 16.3
ValueRay Target Price 39.2 1.21

BP PLC ADR: Navigating Through Time, Diversification, and Market Presence

History of BP PLC ADR

BP, originally British Petroleum, finds its origins in the early 20th century, starting as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in 1909. Over the decades, BP has evolved from a local oil company into one of the world's leading integrated oil and gas corporations. Throughout its history, BP has been at the forefront of the energy sector's major developments, from pioneering explorations in the Middle East to facing challenging incidents. The company’s resilience and adaptability have often been tested, shaping its policies and approach towards more sustainable energy practices.

Core and Side Businesses

BP’s core business revolves around the exploration, production, refining, and marketing of oil and natural gas. Beyond its traditional operations, BP has increasingly expanded into renewable energy sources, reflecting the growing global emphasis on sustainability. This includes investments in solar energy, wind power, and biofuels, as well as research into more innovative energy solutions. On the side, BP also operates a robust retail division, with thousands of gas stations worldwide, providing a wide range of consumer products and services.

Current Market Status

As of the current date, BP PLC ADR (BP) continues to be a significant player in the global energy market. Despite the industry's volatility and the increasing push for cleaner energy, BP has shown resilience. The company is actively adapting to these changes, laying down long-term strategies to balance its oil and gas operations with renewable energy investments. Financially, BP aims to demonstrate flexibility and responsibility, focusing on sustainable growth, dividends, and share repurchases to create value for its shareholders.