Schneider Electric S.E. (SU) - Stock & Dividends

Exchange: Euronext Paris • Country: France • Currency: EUR • Type: Common Stock • ISIN: FR0000121972

Schneider Electric S.E., trading on the PA:SU stock exchange, is a global player in the energy management and industrial automation sectors. The company's wide-ranging product portfolio includes busway and cable support solutions, circuit breakers, protection relays, electric vehicle charging stations, energy management software, power monitoring systems, power quality products, switches, pilot lights, and more.

Additionally, Schneider Electric offers access control systems, fire and security products, valve actuators, variable speed drives, grid automation software, medium voltage switchgears, outdoor equipment, substation automation solutions, and various switchgear components. Their services extend to critical power and cooling, data center software, IT power distribution, racks, and environmental monitoring equipment.

Moreover, Schneider Electric provides a plethora of home automation products, including light switches, emergency lighting, and electrical sockets. The company's industrial automation offerings cover human-machine interfaces, communication software, control relays, motion control, robotics, and power supplies. They also specialize in process control, safety systems, RFID technology, power protection, and more.

Established in 1836 and located in Rueil-Malmaison, France, Schneider Electric S.E. continues to innovate and lead in the energy management and industrial automation sectors. Learn more on their website:

Drawdown (Underwater) Chart

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for Schneider Electric S.E. (SU) - Stock & Dividends

Overall Trend and Yearly Seasonality

Drawdown / Underwater Chart for Schneider Electric S.E. (SU) - Stock & Dividends

SU Stock Overview

Market Cap in USD 126,897m
Sector Industrials
Industry Specialty Industrial Machinery
GiC SubIndustry Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components
TER 0.00%
IPO / Inception

SU Stock Ratings

Growth 5y 8.58
Fundamental 83.9
Dividend 5.78
Rel. Performance vs Sector 1.15
Analysts -
Fair Price Momentum 242.67 EUR
Fair Price DCF 378.37 EUR

SU Dividends

Yield 12m 0.00%
Yield on Cost 5y 0.00%
Dividends CAGR 5y 6.03%
Payout Consistency 82.0%

SU Growth Ratios

Growth 12m 39.78%
Growth Correlation 12m 50%
Growth Correlation 3m 48%
CAGR 5y 27.21%
Sharpe Ratio 12m 1.62
Alpha vs SP500 12m 13.19
Beta vs SP500 5y weekly 0.95
ValueRay RSI 78.07
Volatility GJR Garch 1y 25.48%
Price / SMA 50 4.71%
Price / SMA 200 24.61%
Current Volume 618.5k
Average Volume 20d 750.9k

External Links for SU Stock

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Fund Manager Positions
What is the price of SU stocks?
As of May 08, 2024, the stock is trading at EUR 221.50 with a total of 618,545 shares traded.
Over the past week, the price has changed by +2.98%, over one month by +5.60%, over three months by +15.18% and over the past year by +42.31%.
What is the forecast for SU stock price target?
According to ValueRays Forecast Model, SU Schneider Electric S.E. will be worth about 268.9 in May 2025. The stock is currently trading at 221.50. This means that the stock has a potential upside of +21.4%.
Issuer Forecast Upside
Wallstreet Target Price 211.8 -4.38
Analysts Target Price - -
ValueRay Target Price 268.9 21.4

Schneider Electric: Powering Progress

A Rich History of Innovation

Founded in 1836 by the Schneider brothers, Schneider Electric has evolved from a modest iron and steel company to a global leader in energy management and industrial automation. Over the decades, it has expanded its expertise through strategic acquisitions and a focus on innovation, responding to the changing needs of the energy sector.

Core and Side Businesses

At its core, Schneider Electric specializes in the digital transformation of energy management and automation in homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure, and industries. With the rise of smart grids and renewable energy, the company is at the forefront of developing sustainable solutions that ensure efficiency and sustainability for its customers.

Besides its main operations, Schneider Electric has ventured into software, providing tools and technologies aimed at enhancing operational efficiency for businesses worldwide. This includes energy management software that helps companies monitor and manage their energy consumption more effectively.

Current Market Status

As of the latest financial reports, Schneider Electric continues to show robust performance in the market. The company has successfully navigated the challenges of the global market, including supply chain disruptions and the push for sustainability, to maintain its position as a leading player in the energy sector. Its commitment to innovation and sustainability has also positioned it well to capitalize on the growing demand for energy-efficient solutions.