Performance of AMKR Amkor Technology | 52.1% in 12m

Compare AMKR with Indices, Sectors and Commodities ✔ like Oil, Gas, Gold, Yields and Bonds. Who outperforms?

Compare Amkor Technology with its related Sector/Index SMH

Compare Amkor Technology with its related Sector/Index SMH

Performance Duell AMKR vs SMH

TimeFrame AMKR SMH
1 Day 4.39% 2.01%
1 Week 5.22% -0.08%
1 Month 2.19% -5.77%
3 Months -0.71% 10.88%
6 Months 40.8% 46.00%
12 Months 52.1% 72.73%
YTD -0.84% 25.48%
Rel. Perf. 1m 0.61
Rel. Perf. 3m -2.63
Rel. Perf. 6m -0.16
Rel. Perf. 12m -1.62

Is Amkor Technology a good stock to buy?

Partly, yes. Based on ValueRay Fundamental Analyses, Amkor Technology (NASDAQ:AMKR) is currently (May 2024) ok to buy, but has to be watched. It has a ValueRay Fundamental Rating of 38.44 and therefor a somewhat positive outlook according to the companies health.
Based on ValueRays Analyses, Dividends and Discounted-Cash-Flow, the Fair Value of AMKR as of May 2024 is 34.55. This means that AMKR is currently overvalued and has a potential downside of 9.13% (Sold with Premium).

Is AMKR a buy, sell or hold?

  • Strong Buy: 4
  • Buy: 1
  • Hold: 3
  • Sell: 0
  • Strong Sell: 0
Amkor Technology has received a consensus analysts rating of 4.13. Therefor, it is recommend to buy AMKR.
Values above 0%: AMKR is performing better - Values below 0%: AMKR is underperforming

Compare AMKR with Broad Market Indices

Symbol 1w 1m 6m 12m
US S&P 500 SPY 4.91% 4.85% 22.71% 27.37%
US NASDAQ 100 QQQ 4.64% 5.41% 22.88% 17.52%
US Dow Jones Industrial 30 DIA 4.88% 4.54% 26.78% 36.42%
German DAX 40 DBXD 5.41% 4.47% 22.94% 38.94%
UK FTSE 100 ISFU 3.94% -0.53% 26.24% 42.53%
Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 CSI 300 0.29% -1.16% 36.16% 62.03%
Hongkong Hang Seng HSI -1.65% -4.01% 40.29% 66.55%
Japan Nikkei 225 EXX7 2.86% 7.55% 26.92% 32.28%
India NIFTY 50 INDA 3.90% -0.54% 19.91% 22.80%
Brasil Bovespa EWZ 2.07% 2.91% 36.46% 28.70%

AMKR Amkor Technology vs. Sectors

Symbol 1w 1m 6m 12m
Communication Services XLC 3.41% 5.59% 20.89% 15.79%
Consumer Discretionary XLY 3.85% 3.92% 28.50% 30.56%
Consumer Staples XLP 5.35% 1.81% 28.97% 51.34%
Energy XLE 9.43% 6.21% 33.20% 33.14%
Financial XLF 6.25% 5.09% 18.38% 24.70%
Health Care XLV 4.82% 4.76% 29.09% 45.24%
Industrial XLI 5.66% 4.19% 18.69% 27.48%
Materials XLB 5.60% 6.20% 25.32% 38.63%
Real Estate XLRE 4.40% 6.56% 31.83% 48.60%
Technology XLK 5.49% 6.92% 24.43% 19.20%
Utilities XLU 3.80% -1.65% 28.47% 49.23%
Aerospace & Defense XAR 2.39% 1.17% 25.04% 31.00%
Biotech XBI -2.22% 4.77% 11.35% 41.26%
Homebuilder XHB 4.19% 6.20% 3.03% 3.58%
Retail XRT 4.83% 7.12% 19.84% 31.07%

AMKR Amkor Technology vs. Commodities

Symbol 1w 1m 6m 12m
Oil USO 10.83% 8.21% 41.12% 31.65%
Natural Gas UNG 1.81% 6.20% 89.83% 94.84%
Gold GLD 6.51% 1.13% 25.03% 38.42%
Silver SLV 8.01% 0.01% 24.07% 47.75%
Copper CPER 6.52% -7.48% 18.79% 33.99%

Returns of AMKR vs. Yields & Bonds

Symbol 1w 1m 6m 12m
iShares 20+ Years Bond TLT 3.54% 5.22% 36.58% 64.74%
iShares High Yield Corp. Bond HYG 4.19% 1.83% 33.40% 42.78%
Does Amkor Technology outperform its market, is AMKR a Sector Leader?
No, over the last 12 months Amkor Technology (AMKR) made 52.08%, while its related Sector, the VanEck Semiconductor (SMH) made 72.73%.
Over the last 3 months AMKR made -0.71%, while SMH made 10.88%.
Period AMKR SMH S&P 500
1 Month 2.19% -5.77% -2.66%
3 Months -0.71% 10.88% 2.48%
12 Months 52.08% 72.73% 24.71%